ASMR Liaison and Consultation

Dr Roger Yazbek

President 2014, 2018, 2019 (from Feb 1st)

Flinders Medical Centre
Flinders University
SA 5001

Dr Maree Toombs

Liaison for Indigenous Health

Senior Research Fellow (Indigenous Health)
Rural Clinical School
Faculty of Medicine
The University of Queensland

Laura Taplin

Strategy and Governance Consultation

Registered Psychologist specialising in  working with individuals,
teams  and organisations to help them reach their full potential.
Adelaide SA


Catherine West

On Monday July 3rd, 2023, we were deeply saddened learn of the passing of our Senior Executive Officer, Catherine West, OAM.

Catherine has been an integral part of ASMR for over 29 years and many consider her to be the heart of the ASMR family. Her steadfast leadership has been instrumental in ASMR’s success, including coordinating ASMR Medical Research Week® every year and working tirelessly behind the scenes to drive ASMR’s political advocacy.

Catherine has been a mentor and a friend to so many and her passing is a huge loss for ASMR.