15th Annual Victorian Scientific Meeting: abstract submissions
ASMR Victorian Annual Scientific Meeting
ASMR welcomes submission of abstracts for consideration as oral, flash talk or poster presentations
at the 15th Annual Victorian Scientific Meeting.
Abstracts can be submitted for the following categories:
- Oral presentation (8-minute presentation + two minutes of questions)
- Flash talk presentation (3-minute presentation + 1 minute of questions)
- Poster presentation (posters must be A0 size and in portrait orientation)
We are welcoming abstracts from across the health and medical research sector – there is no restriction on focus area or stage of the submitted research.
Abstract submissions have been EXTENDED to 9am on Monday, 7 October. When preparing your abstract, please find the application form here. Abstract submission is part of the registration process so please have your completed application ready to upload at the time of registration.
ASMR members who have submitted an abstract will be considered for the following awards:
- Best oral presentation award
- Best poster award
- Best flash talk award