About the ASMR
The ASMR is the peak professional society representing Australian health and medical researchers.
In addition to direct members, ASMR represents an additional 20,000 medical researchers, involved in health and medical research through seventy-five (75) affiliated professional societies, institutes and Medical Colleges. Corporate and disease related foundation memberships bring a further 100,000 Australians with an interest in health and medical research into the ASMR network.
The Society has a long established role in scientific, political and public advocacy.
ASMR working hard for Australian Health and Medical Research!
- Fostering excellence in health and medical research
- Expanding the interface between basic science and clinical research
- Promoting community understanding and support
- Established 1961
- Independent
- Annual National Scientific Conference
- ASMR Medical Research Week®
- ASMR Research Awards
- Newsletter
- Student Travel Grants
- Dissemination of information
- Professional and Career Development Programs
- Mentoring Program
- Member Directory
- State Scientific Meetings
- Public, Political and Scientific Advocacy
- National Lecture Tour by the ASMR Medallist
- Health and Medical Research Expos
- ‘Hands on’ workshops for schools
- Careers Days
- Professional Development Seminars
- Scientific Meetings
- Awards and Prizes
- Public Lectures
- Rural Schools Program
- Dinners featuring the ASMR Medallist in all states
- National Press Club Event
- Science in the Cinema Events
- Online schools quiz