Membership Types and Fees
Those persons who are or have been engaged in the practice of medical research, including postgraduate students.
Student / Overseas / Retired Members
Persons whose income is less than the current full-time base RTP stipend rate due to the fact that they are either studying full time in the area of medical research or retired from medical research.
Honorary Life Members
Persons who have made outstanding contributions to the health and medical research effort in Australia. Must be nominated by the Board of Directors and elected at an Annual General Meeting by the affirmative vote of three‑quarters of the Members present and voting.
Undergraduate Subscribers
The free subscriber category is available to undergraduate students with an interest in health and medical research. The benefits are access to member communications and member rates at events, but undergraduate subscribers are not eligible for prizes at ASMR scientific meetings.
Affiliated Members
Those persons who are or have been engaged in the practice of medical research, including postgraduate students.
Associate Members
Foundations and Patient Support Groups.
Supporting Members
Companies and organisations with an interest in health and medical research who support the objectives of the ASMR.
Fee Structure – 2024/2025 Membership Year
$161.90 inclusive of GST (an online processing fee of $2.60-3.19 incl GST will be added prior to processing*, total amount charged $164.50-165.09)
$88.44 inclusive of GST (an online processing fee of $1.56-1.88 incl GST will be added prior to processing*, total amount charged $90.00-90.32)
* From April 2024, the processing fees associated with online membership applications or renewals will be added to membership subscriptions, the lesser amount being for Mastercard or Visa and the greater for American Express. Please contact if you would prefer to pay by direct deposit.
Affiliate, Associate and Supporting Members
Please contact for further information
NOTE: ASMR membership subscriptions year run for the financial year (i.e., 1 July to 30 June).
Membership fees are adjusted annually by the CPI (12 months to 31/12/2023=4.1%).
Renewal notices are automatically emailed in April.
Members who join ASMR in April/May/June will automatically receive renewal notifications the following April.