ASMR Directors

Dr Chantal Attard


Murdoch Children’s Research Institute,

Royal Children’s Hospital,

Parkville Vic 3052

Dr Emily Colvin

Executive Director

Kolling Institute of Medical Research

St Leonards NSW,  2065

Prof Tony Kenna

Executive Director

QUT, Faculty of Health,
School – Biomedical Sciences,

Dr Dona Jayakody

Executive Director

Ear Science Institute Australia

Subiaco Western Australia, 6008

Dr Marshall Dalton

School of Psychology and Brain and Mind Centre

The University of Sydney

Dr Conor McCafferty


553 St Kilda Road,

Melbourne VIC 3004

Dr Khalia Primer


University of Adelaide

Dr Razia Zakarya

Woolcock Institute for Medical Research

Glebe, NSW

A/Prof Marloes Dekker Nitert

School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences

The University of Queensland

Board of Directors

ASMR Board Directors have an integral role in supporting the ASMR’s core objectives of advocating for and communicating the benefits of health and medical research to the broader community, and supporting research careers.

The ASMR was founded in 1961 and is the peak professional organisation representing the Australian health and medical research sector.