ASMR Executive Office

Katriona Christiansen

Katriona Christiansen

Secretariat Manager

Level 17, Angel Place
123 Pitt street, Sydney NSW 2000
02 9230 0333
0499 764 165

Cath West

On Monday July 3rd, 2023, we were deeply saddened learn of the passing of our Senior Executive Officer, Catherine West, OAM.

Catherine has been an integral part of ASMR for over 29 years and many consider her to be the heart of the ASMR family. Her steadfast leadership has been instrumental in ASMR’s success, including coordinating ASMR Medical Research Week® every year and working tirelessly behind the scenes to drive ASMR’s political advocacy.

Catherine has been a mentor and a friend to so many and her passing is a huge loss for ASMR.