ASMR structure

The ASMR is run by a Board of eleven Directors who must be under the age of forty-five and, apart from the President-elect, must stand for re-election every second year. This structure ensures that the Board is always aware of, and responsive to, current issues within the health and medical research community. An Executive of the Board comprises the President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board of Directors meets three times each year. The ASMR is incorporated as a limited liability company.

Membership categories of the ASMR 

  1. Ordinary members: Those persons who are or have been engaged in the practice of medical research, including postgraduate students.
  2. Affiliated members: Other Societies whose membership is wholly or partly engaged in the practice of health and medical research.
  3. Associate members: Foundations and Patient Support Groups.
  4. Supporting members: Companies with an interest in health and medical research who support the objectives of the ASMR.
  5. Honorary Life members: Persons who have made outstanding contributions to the health and medical research effort in Australia.
  6. Student members: Persons whose income is less than $28,000/annum due to the fact that they are either studying full time in the area of medical research or retired from medical research.
  7. Other categories: Including members of the media and the general public who support health and medical research in Australia.

Who does the ASMR currently represent?

At the present time there are approximately 1750 financial members of the Society of whom 89% are ordinary members and 11% student members. The ASMR is affiliated with 70 specialist societies, institutes and medical colleges with disease related foundation memberships bringing more than 100,000 Australians into the ASMR network..

How is the information about the Society, health and medical research disseminated?

A newsletter is distributed to members of the ASMR three times per year which contains informative articles about all aspects of health and medical research practice in Australia. In addition the State committees of the Society are regularly updated on important Society matters and have the opportunity to provide feedback and input to the board of Directors.The President of the Society communicates regularly with the membership through our email network.  On a wider front, through its publicly acclaimed, widely publicised, annual ASMR Medical Research Week(R), the ASMR presents the results of health and medical research to the general public and encourages the involvement of politicians, the corporate sector and community groups in supporting the health and medical research effort in Australia. This involvement stimulates debate between the ASMR and interested parties on cirtical issues facing health and medical research and provides the Society with a broad-based viewpoint on these issues.

What does the Society offer its members?

  • Each year a scientific conference is held which highlights quality, multi disciplinary science and professional development. This is one of the few scientific conferences in Australia which actively encourages the cross-fertilisation of ideas between different disciplines, an important aspect in generating innovation in research. Student member participation is encouraged by providing travel support and conference facilities to discuss aspects of career development.
  • ASMR Medical Research Week(R) – an annual national event which features a tour by the ASMR Medallist (an eminent national or international scientist and advocate), state scientific meetings, schools events, awards, public lectures and debates, schools quiz, cinema and pub events.
  • Careers seminars, professional development workshops and state scientific meetings a part of the ongoing scientific advocacy of ASMR
  • To achieve its goal of promoting a career structure in health and medical research and provide professional representation for its members the ASMR interacts with various funding bodies including the NHMRC to promote careers with stability and opportunities for further career development, including appropriate training awards and scholarships. This frequently involves the preparation of submissions to the appropriate bodies on these important aspects of health and medical research.
  • In support of continuing high quality medical research in Australia the ASMR plays a major role in political advocacy to ensure adequate and sustained investment in health and medical research. The Society is able to act as an interface between the Government, other Institutions and medical researchers both to provide and to receive information on investment requirements, providing clearly articulated, well evidenced advocacy submissions.
  • Online member directory.
  • Online Mentor Program.
  • Professional and Career Development.
  • Research Awards.