How ASMR Works
The Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) was founded in 1961.
- It is a non-profit incorporated entity limited by Guarantee.
- The registered Memorandum of Articles of Association of ASMR inform the governance of the Society.
- The Board of Directors lead the Society and have full responsibility for the management of ASMR in every aspect.
- The Board of Directors may appoint sub-committees or disband them as required for the benefit of the Society.
- State committees are sub-committees appointed under the mandate of the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors consists of 11 Directors, 4 of which are Executive Directors (President, President-elect, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer).
- The term of membership for ASMR Board Members is 2 years.
- The Articles of Association make no provision for equal state representation on the Board.