9th Annual Hunter Region Scientific Meeting: keynote speakers

We are excited to hear from leaders in Australian medical research at the 9th Annual Hunter Region Scientific Meeting.

They include:

• Dr Sarah Londrigan, Doherty Institute

• Professor Neil Spratt, John Hunter Hospital, Hunter Medical Research Institute and the University of Newcastle 

Dr Sarah Londrigan
Doherty Institute

Dr Sarah Londrigan is an education and research academic (Senior Lecturer in Virology) in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at The University of Melbourne. She is also co-lead of the Viral Infectious Diseases Theme at the Doherty Institute in Melbourne. Sarah completed her PhD Research at the University of Melbourne, where she identified novel cell surface receptors for rotavirus entry during infection of host cells. Sarah leads an independent research program examining cellular responses to respiratory virus infection, funded through competitively awarded National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grants and industry partners. Her current research projects involve understanding the entry pathways of respiratory viruses into host cells, and how airway immune cells control virus replication. These studies are focused on (i) identifying cell surface receptors and entry pathways for influenza and other respiratory viruses into airway macrophages, (ii) identifying host factors (including interferon stimulated genes) responsible for controlling respiratory virus replication and (iii) investigating novel antiviral strategies to control virus-induced respiratory disease. Sarah plays an active role in research-related activities supporting virology, immunology and promoting women in science.

Professor Neil Spratt
John Hunter Hospital, Hunter Medical Research Institute and the University of Newcastle 

Neil Spratt is a research-focussed neurologist and scientist. He is head of the translational stroke research laboratory at the University of Newcastle, co-directs the Hunter Medical Research Institute heart and stroke program, and is a senior staff specialist neurologist and former director of acute stroke services and co-director of the Department of Neurology at John Hunter Hospital. Professor Spratt’s work spans the basic science/clinical interface and is characterised by its strong focus on making a difference for stroke patients. His laboratory team has made important improvements to experimental stroke models and has discovered the hitherto-unrecognised major 24-hour intracranial pressure response and its prevention by hypothermia. He is committed to mentoring and supervising the next generation of scientists, and has six current PhD, 13 completed PhD and 11 completed Honours students. Professor Spratt was born in Brisbane but raised mostly in Canberra. He undertook his undergraduate medical degree in Newcastle, internship and residency in Gosford, and physician/neurology training in Newcastle and Melbourne, where he did his PhD. He is a proud dad to three university-aged children, and loves mountain biking, bouldering, hiking, travel and food.

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