WELCOME – 63rd ASMR National Scientific Conference 2024


63rd ASMR National Scientific Conference

21-22 October 2024, Adelaide Convention Centre

More details to come!

The ASMR NSC is an inviting space for student, early-career, mid-career and senior researchers
to take a fresh approach to discovery and communication.

We will be seeking abstract submissions from ALL areas of health and medical research!

Our program committee are working hard to put together a dynamic event which will excite, inspire, and
generate new exchanges and collaboration between researchers from all areas of health and medical research.

Insightful and challenging professional development workshops and advocacy discussions!

Speaking opportunities for researchers, including fantastic opportunities for early and mid-career researchers,
to present their latest findings as well as Awards for eligible ASMR Members, including the prestigious
Campion-Ma-Playoust Memorial Award (for ASMR student members or members under 30) and
Peter Doherty Leading Light Award (for ASMR mid-career researcher members

Dr Khalia Primer
ASMR NSC Convener 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors

Safeguarding Australia’s health security depends on the development and maintenance of a highly skilled and creative health and medical research workforce prepared for a future that we can’t yet predict.

The 62nd Annual ASMR National Scientific Conference (NSC) will help in developing necessary communication, analytical and creative skills for early- and mid-career researchers as well as provide a network to build, explore and create new opportunities for their research.

Professional Development Program

Oration Sponsors

AWT Edwards Oration


Firkin Oration

Session Sponsors

PD workshop:

Trade and Digital Supporters

Trade Sponsors