Research Awards

ASMR Research Awards

Applications are now open for the 2024 ASMR Research Fund Awards.

These awards support eligible ASMR members to undertake a short period of research with a research group outside their home city. The international award is $7,500 and the domestic award is $3,000.

Application deadline: 5:00pm on Friday, 12 July 2024

To be eligible, you must be:

  • a financial member of the ASMR at the time of both application and travel.
  • in the final year of your PhD or up to 7 years post-conferral (career disruptions will be considered).
  • hold an invitation or letter of support from the proposed research group to be visited will still need to be supplied with the application and a progress report re planning for the trip will also need to be supplied.
  • able to travel within the next 12 months (i.e., up to 30 June 2025).

Applications must be received by email at no later than 5:00pm on Friday, 12 July 2024. Recipients of the Award will be advised by email two weeks after the closing date.

Please contact Katriona in the ASMR Executive Office if you have any questions regarding the ASMR Research Awards.


Previous Research Award Winners


Donate to the ASMR Research Fund – help build strength in Australia’s Health and Medical Research Sector

The Australian Society for Medical Research is the peak body representing and supporting Australian Health and Medical Researchers. Supporting and encouraging early career researchers is an essential element in building and maintaining the Health and Medical Research sector in Australia. In order to facilitate and promote learning and collaboration in early career researchers, the ASMR offers two Research Awards each year, enabling early career researchers to travel to another laboratory either within Australia (Domestic Research Award) or overseas (International Research Award) to learn new techniques and establish research collaborations.

These ASMR Research Awards are made possible by the generosity of ASMR members who make donations to the ASMR Research Fund. The ASMR Research Fund was established by ASMR in 1990 with the sole purpose of providing research awards to ASMR members, in particular early career members. Without the continued generosity of ASMR members, the ASMR would not be able to continue to build strength and expertise in Australian Health and Medical Researchers, via its support of early career researchers with the ASMR Research Awards.

If you would like to make a contribution to the ASMR Research Fund, and support the development of Australian Health and Medical Researchers, please click below. (note all donations to the ASMR Research Fund are tax deductible).



ASMR Peter Doherty Leading Light Award

Named in recognition of Nobel Laureate, Professor Peter Doherty, whose scientific achievements and commitment to science advocacy continues to inspire the research community, this award celebrates the achievements of  mid-career researchers (5 – 12 year post-doctoral) in Australia.  The award will recognise a single piece of work undertaken by a mid-career researcher within the past 5 years (i.e., after September 23rd, 2018).

Applications are open to current ASMR members who are 5-12 years post-PhD (career interruptions considered) and are encouraged from all areas of health and medical research (including but not limited to clinical, basic, public health, etc.). Verifiable outputs may include publications, policy, guidelines, reports, etc.

The winner will be required to give a  presentation at the ASMR National Scientific Conference in November 2023.

Application deadline is 4pm on Monday, September 25th 2023