CPD Events Workshops


ASMR Professional Development Webinar

PLEASE NOTE Zoom details have been emailed to all those registered, but we’ve had some bounce back. So if you haven’t received your email by 2:30pm, please email katriona@asmr.org.au and the details will be provided immediately by return email.

Topic: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Priorities

Speaker: Professor Steve Wesselingh, CEO of NHMRC

Date: Thursday 30 May 2024, 3-4pm AEST

Where: Via Zoom

Registration: Free, register here.

Join us to hear from past ASMR president and CEO of the NHMRC, Prof Steve Wesselingh FRACP FAHMS about the NHMRC’s priorities in the context of the Australian medical research landscape. Prof Wesselingh’s talk will be followed by a 15 mins Q&A session with attendee participation.

Non-member registrations are free for this webinar. Recording of all previous ASMR PD webinars are available so join as an ASMR member to access them for free!

If you’re enjoying the ASMR PD webinars or think this topic may be of interest to others, why not invite someone who isn’t an ASMR member to join the Society so they too can access all the benefits of being an ASMR member, including these webinars and ASMR’s advocacy for a more secure health and medical research sector.

We look forward to you joining the webinar!

Presented with thanks to ​, the exclusive sponsors of ASMR’s 2024 professional development webinar series.

ASMR Professional Development Webinars 2024

The ASMR Professional Development Webinars run from 3-4pm AEDT/AEST. The topics for 2024 are still being determined but the planned dates are:

  1. Thursday 4 Aptil (Dr Belinda Di Bartolo, STEMM Consultant)
  2. Thurs 30 May (Prof Steve Wesselingh, CEO of NHMRC)
  3. Thurs 25 July (Dr Arnold Ju, UNSW re Diversifying Your Research Funding Structure)
  4. Thurs 26 September